...Building With Natural And Materials

In today's podcast, Simon Gonzalez, a third-generation natural builder, discusses the global potential of natural building using materials like cob and adobe. He introduces the concept of "outposts" for showcasing the potential of these often ancient techniques, emphasises regional education, and addresses logistical challenges in today’s world, including legal obstacles. Simon dispels myths about the resilience of natural materials, explores practical applications in urban settings, and promotes a sustainable, pod-style approach to building.

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A few takeaways you will get from this episode:

  • The importance of widespread adoption of natural building methods globally

  • How using material alternatives like cob, adobe, and plaster results in more sustainable structures (and benefits health as well!)

  • How people can access education and workshops related to natural building methods

  • The concept of "pod style" building - where structures are built incrementally to meet immediate needs and allow for gradual growth over time

Our favourite quote:

"Natural buildings are antimicrobial and antifungal. There's a long list of healthy attributes to using these products!" - Simon Gonzalez

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